Remote SSH an IAP-secured server using a terminal or VSCode
Getting started
Install the gcloud CLI
Authentication with the CLI
Before each session you may launch, make sure to be authenticated with your gcloud account within the CLI
- Standard
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
Using a standard terminal
Very straightforward, make sure to be authenticated and run the following command :
gcloud compute ssh my-instance --tunnel-through-iap
Using VSCode Remote Explorer
CLI Authentication
As usual, make sure to be authenticated : gcloud authentication
SSH tunnel dry run
Then, make sure to dry run ssh tunnel to your instance :
gcloud compute ssh my-instance --tunnel-through-iap --dry-run
You should get a response similar to that one :
/usr/bin/ssh -t -i /Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/google_compute_engine
-o CheckHostIP=no
-o HashKnownHosts=no -o HostKeyAlias=compute.XXXX -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/google_compute_known_hosts
-o ProxyCommand="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/python3 -S /Applications/google-cloud-sdk/lib/ compute start-iap-tunnel my-instance %p --listen-on-stdin --project=my-project --zone=my-zone --verbosity=warning"
-o ProxyUseFdpass=no YOURNAME@compute.XXXX
Now, what we are going to do is to copy the ProxyCommand out of it, which contains the info we need :
/Library/Frameworks/Python [....] -verbosity=warning
Updating your ~/.ssh/config
Now, using VScode, let's have a look at our ssh config file :
CMD + shift + P
Remote-SSH : Open SSH configuration file
Into this file, add the following content and make sure to replace the full ProxyCommand by the way copied ealier :
Host my-instance-name
HostName my-instance-name
IdentityFile /Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/google_compute_engine
CheckHostIP no
HashKnownHosts no
HostKeyAlias my-instance-name
IdentitiesOnly yes
StrictHostKeyChecking yes
UserKnownHostsFile /Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/google_compute_known_hosts
ProxyCommand /Library/Frameworks/Python [....] -verbosity=warning
ProxyUseFdpass no
Host, HostName & HostKeyAlias can all be replaced by whatever value you wish. Do not forget setting the right UserKnownHostsFile directory as well as pasting the full ProxyCommand content
Connect to Host on VSCode
Now, you should be able to remote SSH your IAP-secured instance directly on VScode.
CMD + shift + P
Remote-SSH : Connect to Host
Pick your new entry 'my-instance-name', which should appear
You can now use File Explorer tab to go to whatever folder you wish and edit files directly in VSCode. Saving you ton of time if you are not an avid vim programmer.
There might be a few additional steps on a Windows environment where you use Windows Subsystem for Linux. By default, VSCode does not use the WSL's ssh, which is a problem. See Troubleshoot below.
SSH issues with WSL & VScode on Windows
Coming later